chatGPT: Could not find the user associated with this authentication token
zuletzt bearbeitet: Thu, 12 Jan 2023 15:55:11 +0000
After entering my question in chatGPT I have the feedback:

No idea if this is a coincidence or a workaround.
#chatGPT #openAI
Could not find the user {user-tokenSTRING} associated with this authentication token. If you feel this is an error, please reach out on and provide the request ID {request-ID-STRING}.receive. Logging off and logging on again and even logging on in a different browser didn't help. The error was gone immediately when I clicked "Thumbs down" under the feedback and in the form that popped up simply this message
I am logged in and after entering my question I get the message:
> Could not find the user user-tokenSTRING associated with this authentication token.
My request ID is {here the request ID}.
No idea if this is a coincidence or a workaround.
#chatGPT #openAI