I would like to know if and what factors, protocol peculiarities of Zot / Diaspora provide for this magical multiplication and permanent transformation of identities. Anyway, to have a purposeful conversation in a cross-platform Hubzilla/Diaspora communication, it is beneficial to know that such a phenomenon ChameleonIdentity / PhantomIdentity / Fake-Identity exists.
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This is an online translation of the text
https://realtime.fyi/articles/nmoplus/fake-identitaeten-in-hubzilla (german)
My perfect Hubzilla world is crumbling tremendously.
There is obviously a comprehensible reason why I see comments or mentions, mentions of RockyIII, which seem to relate to Hartmut Noak's comments _not_ visible to me . Hubzilla / Fediverse is still good for surprises

. See the screenshots below. For a better understanding - see the conversation
[2] . .
Even with the diaspora protocol activated in my neue medienordnung pluschannel, Hubzilla shows me Hartmut Noak in my personal stream exclusively as "Ninah Pixie ☥" - see screenshot 1 . When I
visit the thread "Kulturzeit extra: Gefahr aus dem Netz" [2] as a Hubzilla / Fediverse guest , the "Ninah Pixie ☥ " identity is displayed as "Hartmut Noack" see screenshot 2 . Does your personal stream show "Hartmut Noak" or "Ninah Pixie ☥" identity in the conversation for "Kulturzeit extra: Danger from the Internet"?
I would like to know whether and which factors and protocol peculiarities of Zot / Diaspora are responsible for this magically confusing identity transformation. In any case, to have a target-oriented conversation in a cross-platform Hubzilla / Diaspora communication, it is beneficial to know that such phenomena / ChameleonIdentity/ PhantomIdentity, Identityobfuscation exist. Whether by publisher or by owner he respective identity - definitions of "publisher" and "owner" see "Participating actors and their roles" in [1] - self-determined , desired - or not, because caused by the interaction of the protocols which we are probably dealing with here. From my point of view, this is nothing more than
Identity theft
Identity obfuscation
- even if it happened unintentionally. Welcome to the magical world of Fediverse, where not all surprises are positive: -│.
In the sense of [1], the issuer of the phantom identity is the protocol or the protocol interplay if the transformation came about unintentionally, incorrectly. The editor is the person himself if the Chameleon identity was created on purpose.
What else I can think of. Since the emergence of electronic data processing, there has been an unresolved problem of error-free display, the transfer of characters when transferring information between different runtime environments : editor, browser, operating system, ... It is not difficult to guess that there is a massive negative This will have an impact on the acceptance of Fediverse biotopes if this transmission problem is related to the identities in Fediverse reproduces and en masse through faulty protocol, randomly selected sock puppet identities, depending on the context, represent the owner of the identity.
In my opinion, this would be a disaster for the Hubzilla project and represents a violation of the basic principles that the Hubzilla project is based on. = Sources =
[1] Self-Sovereign Identity as the basis for universally applicable digital identities, 02/22/2021. (German) -
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1365/s40702-021-00711-5[2] FakeIdentity, ChameleonIdentity, Identityobfuscation, 09.09.2021 -
https://discourse.diasporafoundation.org/t/fakeidentity-chameleonidentity-identityobfuscation/4163[3] discussion on the topic "Fake identities in Hubzilla" in the developer forum, 08.09.2021 -
"DIE PARTEI" thread as a guest and in your own stream. Please pay attention to the presentation of the identities Ditje, Karsten Meyer and Ninah Pixie ☥
Screenshot 1 : Thread "Extra culture time: Danger from the network" as a registered Hubzilla participant: read in your own stream
Screenshot 2 : Read the thread "Kulturzeit extra: Danger from the net" as a guest.
Screenshot 3 :
"DIE PARTEI" thread as a guest and in your own stream. Please pay attention to the presentation of the identities Ditje, Karsten Meyer and Ninah Pixie ☥

ChameleonIdentity #
FantomIdentity #
HartmutNoak #
NinahPixie #
PhantomIdentity #
SuperGAU #
IdentityObfuscation #
FakeIdentity #
ThrueIdentity #
Trust #
Fakeidentities #