https://chat.openai.com/ actually answered my question asked in English in German. I then asked ChatGPT
question at ChatGPT: I have previously asked the question "In the ChatGPT context, terms like request and token are used. I would like a definition for request and token. Perfect would be a definition with a pair of examples." in English. And you answered in German. The answer in German is understandable and OK for me, but I am curious, why did you answer the English question in German?
in German. The ChatGPT answer, which I translated into english with deepl.com s. below:
question at ChatGPT: Ich habe zuvor die Frage "In im ChatGPT context, terms like request and token are used. I would like a definition for request and token. Perfect would be a definition with a pair of examples." in Englisch gestellt. Und du hast in Deutsch geantwortet. Die Antwort in Deutsch ist für mich verständlich und OK, aber ich bin neugierig, warum hast du die englisch Frage in deutsch beantwortet?
answer of ChatGPT: I apologize for any confusion I may have caused. As an artificial intelligence model, I am able to answer in multiple languages depending on the language the user is using. In your case, I understood the question in German, and gave the answer in German because I thought it was best for you. I assure you that I am able to answer your questions in English and I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused.
So ChatGPT didn't just mindlessly generate an appropriate response, the bot made contextual considerations
" In your case, I understood the question in German," and made a reasoned decision
"because I thought it was best for you"! Remarkable achievement of artificial intelligence! ChatGPT thinks and makes decision! 
I post my experiences with
ChatGPT and other language models here
https://realtime.fyi/search?search=%23ChatGPTDiary with the hashtag #
ChatGPT #