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OpenMined is an open-source community that develops and promotes privacy-preserving technologies

question: What is OpenMined?

ChatGPT-answer: OpenMined is an open-source community that develops and promotes privacy-preserving technologies, such as Federated Learning, Homomorphic Encryption, and Secure Multi-Party Computation. The organization aims to make it easy for developers to build decentralized and private AI models, by providing open-source libraries and tools, educational resources, and a supportive community. Additionally, OpenMined conducts research in the field of privacy-preserving AI and works to raise awareness of the importance of privacy in AI development.

Generiert hier   https://chat.openai.com/ am 25.01.2023

#OpenMined #OpenSource #FederatedLearning #HomomorpheVerschlüsselung #ChatGPTDiary