> Communication with Web-LLM Begin
prompt: What is WebGPU?
WebLLM-answer: WebGPU is a framework that allows web developers to create applications that use graphical processing units (
GPUs) on the web. GPUs are specialized processors that are designed to handle complex, compute-intensive tasks, such as rendering graphics, performing simulations, and machine learning.
WebGPU provides a set of APIs that make it possible to access the graphics processing capabilities of the web browser. This allows web developers to create applications that can take advantage of the power of GPUs, without the need for the developer to be familiar with low-level graphics programming.
WebGPU is built on top of existing web standards, such as
WebGL and
Three.js, and is designed to be easy to use and integrated with existing web development tools and workflows. It also supports various platforms, such as desktop and mobile browsers, as well as the WebGL and OpenGL ES APIs.
WebGPU allows web developers to create more complex and visually rich applications, such as real-time 3D
> Communication with Web-LLM End
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