> Communication with Web-LLM Begin
prompt: What ist your name? Who are they?
WebLLM-answer: As an AI language model, I go by the name
Vicuna and was trained by researchers from
Large Model Systems Organization (LMSYS).
> Communication with Web-LLM End
The chat demo is based on
vicuna-7b-v1.1 model. Generated with
https://mlc.ai/web-llm/ on 22.04.2023
Web-LLM took about
13 minutes to generate the response in this environment - see below:
Device Model: Fujitsu Esprimo Q556
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G4400T @ 2.90 GHz
RAM 8,00 GB
Systemtyp Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit-OS, x64-based Processor
GPU Intel HD Graphics 510
Browser: Chrome Version 113.0.5672.53 (Offizieller Build) beta (64-Bit)
WebLLM #
WebLLMDiary #
Esprimo #
EsprimoQ556 #
Q556 #
vucuna #
vucuna7b #
vucuna7bv11 #
LargeModelSystemsOrganization #
LargeModelSystems #